Sep 27, 2018New York apple growers star in marketing push
New York apple growers turned out in force for a marketing push designed to help consumers connect with the producers themselves.
A video shoot was organized by the New York Apple Association (NYAA). The footage will be used in television targeting New York state, video for the association website and possibly social media.
“The overall message and tone of the commercial is to make the connection with the consumer – let them see what an apple orchard looks like, the growers who grow the apples and let them know that New York is a major producer of apples,” said NYAA CEO and President Cynthia Haskins.
The initiative arose out of NYAA’s strategic planning last year. The goal of Haskins and her staff going forward is to promote the growers in addition to the fruit.
“We believe that as consumers are generations away from understanding where their food comes from, there is an opportunity to literally demonstrate that New York is a large producer of New York apples grown by New York apple growers – larger growers as well as small growers,” she said.
With that in mind in late June, about 50 of New York’s finest growers turned out to a photo shoot at Beak and Skiff Orchards in LaFayette. Working closely with its advertising agency, NYAA shot a variety of action or b-roll footage, and drone footage of the growers working throughout the apple orchard.
“We timed the filming at the same time as the Premier Marketing conference held near Syracuse, which was held the same time,” Haskins said. The group filmed again in August to get footage of apples and the growers.
Growers participating in the video shoot got into the act.
“Everyone attending was excited to be part of something new and they are eager to see the finished result,” Haskins said. “We are continuing to work on the storyboard with our advertising agency and will continue to do so after the second filming. We are anticipating completion at harvest time in time to air this crop year.”
– Stephen Kloosterman, FGN Associate Editor
Top photo: More than 50 New York apple growers participated in a photo shoot organized by the NYAA.