By Region

Southwest Michigan grape meeting dates set for 2020

The Michigan State University (MSU) Extension grape team has announce the schedule and locations for our 2020 in-season grape grower meetings in southwest Michigan. These meeting focus on the beginning of the season, before bloom, mid-season before... more »

Specialty crop production exempted from Pennsylvania order for businesses to close

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf on March 19 ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses in Pennsylvania to close their physical locations as of 8 p.m., March 19, to slow the spread of COVID-19. Enforcement actions against businesses that... more »

Local farmers’ markets do their part to flatten the curve on coronavirus

Last week was a blur amid all the news about coronavirus and its impacts on our communities, both locally and nationally. Every day brought new information and new policies. I spent the week canceling large... more »

First apple scab spores of the 2020 season detected in Pennsylvania

Growers throughout Pennsylvania are experiencing different stages of bud development. The southern half of the state is in some stage of green-tip, whereas the northern half is in silver-tip. Green-tip on Gala occurred on March... more »

What New York state ag operations need to now about virus restrictions

The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets has released information that confirms the exemption of agricultural operations from coronavirus restrictions. "While New York state’s efforts to mitigate the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19)... more »

New England apple growers face realities of COVID-19, other challenges

New England's fruit growers know what it is like to be vulnerable to the forces of nature. Whether it is a new pest from some distant part of the globe or a sudden hailstorm in... more »

Colorado produce industry responds to COVID-19

The Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (CFVGA) and its grower members are very concerned about the impact COVID-19 is having on Coloradans' physical, economic and social health. "We join authorities in urging Coloradans to... more »

University of California Extension postpones water measurement, reporting courses

University of California Cooperative Extension UCCE is postponing the water measurement and reporting courses that were scheduled for April 14 until further notice due to coronavirus concerns. California water-rights holders are required by state law... more »

Current Issue

Fruit Growers News September 2024 issue cover image of peaches

Controlled atmosphere storage

Postharvest markets: Three Springs Fruit Farm

Connecting innovation, education at GLEXPO

Organic Grower: Keeping organics legit

Fresh Views: Leveraging social media

Farm Market & Agritourism

Ag Labor Review


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