Crop Protection

Prepare for cold temperatures tonight

Potential freezing weather is approaching Michigan's Fruit Ridge the night of April 4-5. Amy Irish-Brown, a Michigan State University Extension educator, gave growers some context for how to prepare. On the Ridge, most apples are... more »

Pome fruit fungicide update

Aprovia is a new fungicide (SDHI, FRAC group 7) available for pome fruit disease management. Due to crop safety concerns, BASF will be canceling the pome fruit registration for Vivando. Aprovia... more »

Field practices protect water quality from herbicides

As you begin to prepare your fields for this growing season farmers need to make the necessary steps to ensure that herbicides stay out of surface and groundwater. The following field practices recommended by Michigan... more »

Syngenta R&D to yield 16 product launches

Syngenta will launch 16 new crop protection products in 2016, with multiple launches expected over the next five years, according to Jeff Cecil, head of crop protection product marketing for Syngenta, North America. In total,... more »

Prowl H20 approved for highbush blueberry

EPA has approved a new supplemental label for use of Prowl H2O for annual grass and broadleaf weed control in highbush blueberry. Prowl H2O provides four to six weeks control of most annual grasses and broadleaves.... more »

West Michigan degree days ahead of schedule

Degree day totals for the general west Michigan area jumped ahead of the normal average at the beginning of March, but have slowed recently, according to Amy Irish-Brown, Extension educator with Michigan State University. Irish-Brown... more »

Broad spectrum insecticides can flare spider mites

Broad spectrum insecticides, including materials like pyrethroids (IRAC Group 3 materials), organophosphates (IRAC Group 1B), and carbamates (IRACvGroup 1A) have been demonstrated by our laboratory and lots of other entomologists to flare spider mite populations... more »

How USDA eradicated Oriental fruit fly from Florida

There’s a good reason why USDA and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) constantly monitor more than 56,000 fruit fly traps they have strategically placed across Florida. An outbreak of exotic fruit... more »

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