Food Safety

USDA extends audit certifications scheduled to expire on or before May 31, by 60 days

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is committed to delivering the timely services needed to support the movement of America’s food supply and will continue to take steps to meet challenges... more »

LSU AgCenter posters show safe produce handling for producers, consumers

Hand-washing, social distancing and avoiding touching any part of the face are among the most prescribed recommendations across the globe for preventing the spread of COVID-19. Another practice that has become an important part of... more »

Controversial ‘Dirty Dozen’ released by EWG amid coronavirus pandemic

The widely-disputed "Dirty Dozen" report from the Environmental Working Group was released March 25, amid the global coronavirus outbreak pandemic. Produce industry groups traditionally downplay the Environmental Working Group  (EWG) findings, citing what they say are... more »

COVID-19 and food safety: Common questions from fruit and vegetable growers

Novel coronavirus, the virus that causes the infectious disease COVID-19, is on every grower’s mind. Here are answers to common questions about how to approach hand-washing and sanitation on produce farms. Both large and small... more »

FDA issues temporary policy for receiving facilities, FSVP importers

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued guidance March 17 to communicate FDA’s intention to temporarily not enforce supplier verification onsite audit requirements for receiving facilities and importers under the  FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in response to the... more »

FDA schedules briefing to provide COVID-19 update

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will host a stakeholder call today, March 18, at 3:45 p.m. EDT to discuss food safety and food supply questions related to the coronavirus (COVID-19). During the call,... more »

Monterey’s COVID shelter-in-place order exempts agriculture

Monterey County, one of the most productive specialty crop areas in the U.S., is exempting agricultural operations and related food businesses are being exempted from a shelter-in-place order. COVID-19,... more »

USDA speaks on COVID-19 food safety work

Top USDA officials March 16 addressed food safety issues related to the new coronavirus. COVID-19, which stands for coronavirus disease 2019, as of March 16 had been linked to... more »

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