Western, Southern states lead blueberry surge
The North American blueberry industry is growing at a tremendous rate. As of now, the United States and Canada are producing an average of roughly 500 million pounds of highbush blueberries per year, a total... more »
Can pilfering PYO pickers be pinched?
Who hasn’t seen someone “sample” the fruit in a pick-your-own stand, or seen kids walk out from the strawberry patch with as many berries on them as they have in the bucket? In some cases,... more »
Is traceability ready to go in 2012?
In the wake of recalls and other safety concerns regarding fresh produce in recent years, the produce industry has felt a push from both consumers and the federal government for case-level traceability. One result was... more »
Washington releases apple industry economic impact study
The Washington Apple Commission has released an economic impact study on the effect the state's apple industry has on the area. Washington’s apple industry is a major contributor of income, employment and tax revenues to... more »
Growers get one more year of Guthion
Federal regulators will allow fruit growers to use the insecticide Guthion for an additional year.EPA said Thursday the extension is due to higher-than-normal stocks of the organophosphate chemical in grower hands because of crop losses... more »
Farm bureau and state officials blast ‘heavy handed’ federal labor investigations
In late July, investigators with the U.S. Department of Labor visited three blueberry farms in Marion County and announced finding "widespread"record-keeping and minimum wage violations at each.Farm labor law investigations are often contentious, especially involving... more »
Apple growers suggest customers come early this year
Local apple growers are urging residents and visitors to come early this year if they want to enjoy the limited crop of fresh apples before they’re gone.Warm weather in late winter followed by freezing spring... more »
Starch chart for Honeycrisp apple fruit
Ines Hanrahan of the Washington State Tree Fruit Research Commission has recently developed a starch chart for Honeycrisp apples (see figure). The starch index ranges from 1 to 6 on this chart, which differs from... more »