Reinke invests in robotics
Global irrigation systems and technology company Reinke Manufacturing is investing $12 million in the modernization and automation of its irrigation systems manufacturing facilities. The investment includes implementing advanced robotic technologies and expansion projects to increase... more »
Sensors guide growers on water decisions
Lisa Tate, a fifth-generation grower in Santa Paula, said she knew something was amiss in a block of young avocado trees planted on her family’s ranch.She had a hunch that too much water was sitting... more »
UGA Extension program helps farmers adopt sustainable irrigation methods
Georgia's leading industry is agriculture, which relies significantly on irrigation — approximately half of the state's cropland is irrigated. For most farmers operating on razor-thin profit margins, irrigation is essential as insurance against drought and... more »
WSU schedules irrigation tech field day
An irrigation field day is scheduled by Washington State University (WSU) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission to show growers the latest in irrigation technological advances. The Irrigation Technology Field Day is scheduled for... more »
Talking tech: New app innovations aid growers
Farming has forever been changed by technology, with new innovations helping growers of fruit, vegetables and tree nuts improve things such as pest management, disease monitoring and data collecting. One of the biggest help to... more »
FIRA preview: Tree fruit tech options abound at ag robotics conference
The third iteration of the International Forum of Agricultural Robotics, known as FIRA-USA, plans to offer growers of tree fruit, grapes, berries, vegetables and nuts a view of the state of specialty crop robotics and... more »
OSU South Centers to host Crop, Soil & Water Field Night on July 25
Drones and inputs will be part of a Crop, Soil & Water Field Night to be hosted by Ohio State University (OSU). The OSU South Centers Soil, Water, and Bioenergy program will host the July... more »
Water, efficiencies to benefit growers from nanobubble partnership
An AgTech partnership between a nanobubble technology supplier and one of the largest U.S. horticultural distribution and brokerage companies could help input efficiencies, including water savings. Moleaer Inc., a nanobubble technology firm, is collaborating with... more »