The annual Fruit + Vegetable 40 Under Forty awards program celebrates individuals who are the next generation of leaders, representing the best in the industry. The following 40 honorees were selected because they are truly making, positive marks in our industry.

Join us in celebrating the Class of 2024 in person at the Great Lakes Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in December.

Thank you to Stoke Seeds for supporting this year’s 40 outstanding individuals by sponsoring this year’s Fruit + Vegetable 40 UNDER Forty awards.

Class of 2022

Adam Van Dyk
Van Dyk Farms

Amy Birk
Domaine Berrien Cellars

Anne Zwink
Soldier Creek Winery

Aries Haygood
A&M Farms

Caleb Herrygers
Herrygers Farms

Charles Gray
4Corners Farm

Chris Tyson
University of Georgia Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center

Danielle Oomen
Helena Agrienterprise LLC

Hailee Leitz
Leitz Farms LLC

Jacob Wafler
Wafler Nursery

Jacob Williams
University of Georgia Extension

Jennifer Glenister
New Morning Farm

Jerred Nix
Flavor Full Farms

Juliette King-McAvoy
King Orchards

Justin Shealey
University of Georgia

Kaitlin Horst

Karl Wyant

Kyle Mead
Van Buren (Michigan) Conservation District

Kyle Rasch
Windy Ridge Orchards

Kylee Zdunic-Rasch
Newaygo Insurance Company

Laura Herrygers
Great Lakes Ag Labor Services, LLC

Laurel Dunn
University of Georgia

Macarena Farcuh
University of Maryland, College Park

Marcus Nolt
Nolt's Produce Supplies LLC

Marisol Magaña-Ibarra
Naturipe Berry Growers

Megan Muehlbauer
Rutgers University Cooperative Extension

Misty DeBoer
Great Lakes Agricultural Labor Services

Nathan & Chelsea McGuire
Royal Farms Farm Market & Winery

Nathan Clarke
Clarke Farms LLC

Rachel Naegele

Rob Bodtke
Cornerstone Ag Enterprises

Ryan Amberg
FELCO North America

Ryan Dietrich
Ridgeview Orchards

Ryan Wysocki
Endeavor Ag and Energy

Selena Virden
Illinois Foundation Seeds Inc.

Syrah Linsley
Old Orchard Brands

Tom Kon
North Carolina State University

William Augustine
American Dream Produce LLC

Zachary Heiken
Heiken Farms

Zheng Wang
University of California Cooperative Extension

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