Jul 9, 2013Nancy Foster announces resignation from USApple
Nancy Foster recently announced her resignation as president and CEO of the U.S. Apple Association. Her last day will be Aug. 31.
“I am excited to pursue other opportunities and confident I leave the association in good hands,” Foster said. “USApple is on a strong path to help America’s apple growers and others in the industry with the challenges ahead.”
Foster led USApple for 11 years, said Bill Dodd, chairman of the association and an Ohio apple grower.
“Nancy has been a dedicated leader with our membership, industry partners, Congress and federal agencies, the media and others with whom she has worked,” Dodd said. “Her talent, strategic vision and problem-solving skills have significantly increased our industry’s political effectiveness on Capitol Hill, the number one priority of our association.
“Nancy also established our highly popular leadership development program for early career apple growers,” Dodd said. “She has recruited and directed a talented team of association staff who have consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence.”
Dodd is a member of the USApple committee that is searching for a new president. Other members include committee Chairman Mike Wade (Washington), Mark Nicholson (New York), Julia Rothwell (Michigan) and John Rice (Pennsylvania). The committee would like to install a new president by early September.
USApple, the national trade association for the U.S. apple industry, represents 7,500 apple growers and hundreds of individual firms. The next president will oversee an annual operating budget of $2 million and a paid staff of six.
For more information about USApple, click here. To apply for the job, email Carol Barber.