Van Well Nursery marks 70 years of providing fruit trees
Van Well Nursery has come a long way since 1946, to become a top supplier of fruit trees to commercial orchardists, wholesale and retail nurseries and the average backyard gardener. The Wenatchee, Washington-based operation now... more »
Trial and error a big theme during IFTA summer tour
New York state apple grower Jeff Smith showed off plantings of NY 1 and NY 2 during the International Fruit Tree Association’s (IFTA) summer tour in upstate New York. Ledge Rock Farms near Medina, New... more »
Michigan Tree Fruit Commission establishes mini-grants
Mini-grants are a new effort by the Michigan Tree Fruit Commission (MTFC) to ensure a fast response to pressing issues facing the tree fruit industry. Adopted by the MTFC board on Aug. 17, the mini-grant... more »
WTFRC completes cherry pesticide residue study
For the sixth consecutive year, the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission conducted a study of residues of commonly used pesticides on cherry fruit at harvest. The study included 16 insecticides/acaricides, nine fungicides, and a potash... more »
Plant IP protection program to host first US workshop
The CIOPORA Academy, a specialized training and certificate program for Intellectual Property (IP) protection in the field of horticulture, will host its first U.S.-based workshop Sept. 8-9 in Watsonville, California, at Driscoll’s Cassin Conference Center. The... more »
How to respond to hail and severe storms
Strong storms are not uncommon in Michigan. These storms often have high winds, heavy rains and in some cases hail. Severe storms, especially accompanied by hail, have the potential to promote and spread serious diseases... more »
Study shows it’s possible to strengthen tree support system
Apple growers today want to produce large apples on small trees, with the trees packed as tightly as possible. Such a system can improve efficiency and yields, but has inherent structural problems. Heavy fruit loads,... more »
Another lawsuit targets UC’s strawberry breeding program
For the second time in as many years, the University of California’s (UC) strawberry breeding program finds itself the subject of a lawsuit. This time around, the lawsuit was filed by California Berry Cultivars (CBC),... more »
Hudson Valley real estate market challenges local produce
A growing real estate market in New York’s Hudson Valley is clashing with a demand for locally grown produce. A growing number of farms are being sold to developers, as aging owners choose to cash... more »
Freezes damage tree fruit in Lake Ontario region
Two record-setting freezes have served up a double whammy for New York’s tree fruit crop. As a result, you won’t find many local apricots or peaches this summer. James Eve, owner of Eve Farm Service... more »