Jan 27, 20212021 California Statewide Pear Research Webinar set for Feb. 10-11
The California Statewide Pear Research Webinar will be held Wednesday, Feb. 10 (8 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Pacific); and Thursday, Feb 11 (8 a.m.-noon Pacific).
With COVID-19 still with us, organizers have scheduled one Zoom format meeting for the entire California pear community to replace the two in-person district (Sacramento Delta and North Coast) meetings we normally organize.
The program each day will be different and will be a combination of horticulture and pest management topics. California DPR Laws and Regulations and Other CEUs will be offered each day.
To sign up for the webinar, click on the registration survey link near the top of the agenda. Registrants will then receive the actual Zoom link via email prior to the webinar.
The webinar zoom link will be used to keep track of time in-time out for CEUs, which is required by DPR. Those desiring CEUs should fill out all the requested information on the survey. The registration survey will be open through Feb. 8 to allow for time for the zoom link to be sent out.