California Berry Cultivars expands variety portfolio
California Berry Cultivars LLC has commercially released two new strawberry varieties. Castaic and Alhambra are “breakthrough additions” to CBC's established varieties Adelanto, Belvedere and Alturas, creating the industry's “most comprehensive portfolio addressing critical production challenges,”... more »
Leadership changes at Sakata Seed America
Sakata Seed America, which develops and markets a variety of melon and vegetable seeds, plans to change its executive leadership. After more than 15 years of service as Sakata Seed America’s president and chief executive... more »
USApple storage report shows continued decrease
National U.S. apple storage continues to decrease. On March 11, the U.S. Apple Association via its USAppleTracker report reported the total number of apples in storage on March 1 was 113 million bushels, 5% less... more »
USDA eliminates more than $1B in funding for local food purchases
A pair of federal programs that helped schools and food banks buy food from local farms and ranches have been eliminated by the USDA, with a national organization warning of more cuts to come. The... more »
MSU surveying Michigan apple growers on orchard “shock events”
Michigan State University (MSU) is surveying state apple growers to identify and quantify the frequency and impacts of shock events on the state’s apple production. The results of MSU’s Apple Grower Survey will help develop... more »
Washington Winegrowers Association announces leadership change
In a leadership transition, the Washington Winegrowers Association (WWA) named Sara Higgins as interim executive director following the planned departure of Colleen Frei, according to a news release. Characterized... more »
New MSHS president Mark Evans looks to promotes research
Industry research, networking and education are important to Mark Evans, farm manager for Evans Bros. Fruit Co. and the new president of the Michigan State Horticultural Society (MSHS). A fifth-generation grower, Evans’ Frankfort, Michigan, family... more »
Watermelon leader Buddy Leger dies
Buddy Leger Charles M. “Buddy” Leger, a major U.S. watermelon and pecan grower, has died. He was 92. Leger co-founded Leger & Son, based in Cordele, Georgia. Leger, who was also a leading figure in... more »