Dec 12, 2012Cherry, soft-fruit growers to vote on research assessment
Cherry and soft-fruit growers in Washington state will begin voting late this month on a proposal to expand research on their crops.
The state Department of Agriculture said ballots will go out about Dec. 26, asking whether growers want to create the special assessment on their production.
The proposal, developed by the Washington State Tree Fruit Research Commission, seeks $4 per ton for cherries and $1 per ton for soft fruits like peaches and nectarines. The special assessment is equal to what growers currently pay to fund research.
Completed ballots must be received or postmarked by Jan. 16 to be considered, said Kelly Frost, the agency’s coordinator for commodity commissions.
The assessment, if approved, would raise a maximum of $5 million over the next eight years. Yakima Herald Republic
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