Aug 7, 2024Grand Rapids tree fruit update from MSU
Cooler temperatures in the Grand Rapids region this week are aiding fruit reddening, with nighttime lows dipping into the 50s and 60s. While Tuesday morning brought rain and potential thunderstorms, the rest of the week promises minimal rain and moderate temperatures, according to Michigan State University (MSU) Extension.
Peach harvesting continues, with early pear and apple harvests also underway. Premier Honeycrisp and Wildfire Galas will mature in the next couple of weeks. “Stop-drop materials can be very useful to manage harvest windows during this early season, especially if color is a concern,” advises Lindsay Brown of MSU Extension.
Gingergold apples, sampled in Kent County, are nearing maturity, developing a nice blush but still tasting slightly starchy. Paulared apples are mature and being harvested this week, though some show signs of watercore. Zestar! apples, also sampled in Kent County, are set for harvest this week.
MSU Extension recommends continuing control measures for bitter rot and black rot and staying vigilant for sooty blotch and flyspeck, which are now visible. Cherry leaf spot is widespread, leading to early defoliation in some orchards. Bacterial canker of stone fruits is also a concern this season, causing “shot hole” in leaves and brown lesions on fruit.
Codling moth populations are declining as the second generation of adults finish their egg deposition. Obliquebanded leafroller and oriental fruit moth populations are present but in low numbers. MSU Extension advises monitoring for fruit damage and leaf skeletonization from Japanese beetles and rose chafers.
MSU’s full update is available online.