Jan 27, 2015
Kasumin registered in apple states

Arysta LifeScience North America recently announced registrations of Kasumin bactericide in the apple-growing states of Washington, Michigan and New York. Kasumin is active on a wide array of plant pathogenic bacteria, including resistant strains, according to Arysta.

Kasumin is federally registered in the United States for use in pome fruit (apples and pears), and is now registered for use in the top apple-growing states, as well as in two of the top pear-growing states, Oregon and Washington. Kasugamycin, the active ingredient in Kasumin, makes it an effective disease management tool for fruit growers, according to Arysta.

A Group 24 bactericide, Kasumin is most effective when incorporated into a fungicide rotation program and when applied preventively, according to Arysta.

“Kasumin is an excellent product to incorporate into a resistance management program with other products registered to control fire blight,” said Dunk Porterfield, a fungicide development manager with Arysta. “Growers should consider including it in their overall fire blight management programs, especially on consumer-desired apples such as Gala, Granny Smith and Fuji varieties, which are very susceptible to fire blight.”

Kasumin is available as a liquid formulation, and field testing has shown it can be easily tank-mixed with other fungicides, according to the company.

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