Naturipe Farms strawberries in packaging. Photo courtesy of Naturipe Farms.

Oct 2, 2024
Naturipe Farms expands, bringing 200+ acres of strawberries into Central Florida

Naturipe Farms, a global berry producer, has expanded its strawberry growing operations into Florida. It now offers more than 200 acres of strawberry fields in Central Florida.
The Chavez family of Berry Red Farms in Duette, Florida, is at the heart of this expansion. Since 2004, Merced and Dee Chavez have transformed their initial six leased acres into a flourishing 200-acre strawberry operation.
“We are thrilled to offer our retailers more local options for stocking sweet, succulent strawberries,” said Jim Roberts, president of Sales at Naturipe Farms. “Our experience growing strawberries, along with blueberries and other produce in Florida, directly benefits both the retailer and the customer. We’re looking forward to growing our operations in Florida even further as we move forward.”
The expansion boasts benefits for retailers and customers alike. In addition to increased availability of Naturipe’s strawberries for retailers in the region, the strawberries will have a decreased transit distance, longer growing seasons, and will be on the shelves closer to their harvest, resulting in optimal freshness.
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