Jan 10, 2025Apple holdings decreasing
Apple storage continues to decline.
U.S. apple holdings this January totaled 151 million bushels, 4% less than the inventories reported for last January and 11% more than the January five-year average.
Fresh apple holdings on Jan. 1 totaled 107.8 million bushels, 4% less than the inventories reported for last January and 13% more than the January five-year average.
Processing holdings during the same reporting period totaled 43 million bushels, 2% less than the inventories reported last January and 7% less than the January five-year average, according to the U.S. Apple Association (USApple).
The seven top apple producing states, Washington, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, California, Virginia and Oregon all reported decreasing storage volume for the time period.
All other states, except for Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Ohio, reported storage declines.
The leading varieties in storage, in order by volume, were Gala, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Fuji, Cosmic Crisp, Pink Lady/Cripps Pink, Golden Delicious, Envy, Ambrosia, Rome, Idared, McIntosh, York and Empire.
Read the full report here.