May 17, 2012MAC gets new members
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder recently announced the appointments of Robert Gregory, Leland, and Mark Youngquist, Kent City, to the Michigan Apple Committee (MAC).
Established in 1965, the committee’s seven members develop and implement marketing programs and educational activities on behalf of more than 900 family apple growers, according to MAC.
Gregory is co-owner and co-manager of 2,600-acre Cherry Bay Orchards in Suttons Bay, where he cultivates 320 acres of apples. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University. Gregory will represent District 6 and replaces Brian Putney.
Youngquist brings more than 30 years of experience as an apple farmer to the committee. He represents the fifth generation of his family to own and operate the farm, where he tends 320 acres of crops, including 180 acres of apples. Youngquist will represent District 3 and replaces Alvin Dietrich.
The appointees will serve three-year terms that expire April 1, 2015, and their appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the state Senate, according to MAC.