Nov 22, 2021
Washington Apple Week marks ‘grown with goodness’ theme

The Washington Apple Commission announced that Nov. 27-Dec. 5 will be the third annual celebration of Washington Apple Week. The global event will span 15 countries and feature activities to connect consumers with the source of their food through education as well as build excitement for the arrival of the new season of Washington apples.

Featuring the exclusive worldwide campaign, “Grown With Goodness,” the week-long celebration will engage with retailers, wholesalers, and consumers to share the dedication and care that takes place as Washington growers hand-pick the apple harvest for the world.

Layering eye-catching in-store displays, the Commission will focus on creating an interactive experience through digital media. A “Grown With Goodness” series will be launching on social media, where viewers can join Washington farmers as they wrap up harvest and educate consumers on the process of growing world-class quality apples. A QR code will be available for in-store and online shoppers to join in on the fun through the Washington Apples social media platforms and follow the #WashingtonAppleWeek and #GrownWithGoodness hashtag.

“This is an exciting opportunity to connect consumers worldwide with our Washington apple growers,” Rebecca Lyons, international marketing director, said in a news release. “Although due to the pandemic, we can’t bring our growers to export  markets as we have done in the past, we hope that through the magic of digital technology consumers will have a chance to experience the orchard and see the care that our Washington apple growers take in producing a high-quality apple.”

The 1,260 apple growers in the state produce eight-core varieties: Gala, Red Delicious, Fuji, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, Cripps Pink, Golden Delicious, and Cosmic Crisp. Washington state is the leading producer of fresh apples in the U.S., growing 65% of the nation’s apples annually and exporting to over 60 international markets.

The Washington Apple Commission is a non-profit, promotional organization dedicated to marketing and advertising fresh Washington apples internationally.  For more information on the Washington Apple Commission, visit here.

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