Naturipe exhibits at California Strawberry Festival
Naturipe Farms, a large strawberry grower, including blueberries and organics, plans to exhibit in a booth at the 38th Annual California Strawberry Festival in Ventura, California, on May 18-19. Founded in 1984, the festival highlights... more »
Strawberry pests controlled by new tools
Strawberry growers in the Central Coast are headed toward a zero-tolerance policy on lygus bugs, the most destructive insect pest in the crop. When the bugs feed on the seeds, they cause misshapen fruit that... more »
Bureau of Reclamation increases California water allocations
The Bureau of Reclamation has increased Central Valley (California) Project 2024 water supply allocations for south-of-Delta contractors and those in the Friant Division. While all north-of-Delta Central Valley Project contractors are currently at 100% of... more »
California strawberry grower Mayra Paniagua receives award
Mayra Paniagua, a second-generation California grower, has received the Strawberry Industry Impact Award from the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce. Paniagua's parents migrated from Mexico, starting out as pickers and eventually moving up to... more »
San Joaquin Valley vineyard tips offered
Mechanical pruning can help winegrape growers save costs. That's among some of the suggestions provided in the latest From the Vine/Vit Tips Newsletter from the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Kern County. Mechanical pruning... more »
Carmel Valley winegrapes: Parsonage Village Vineyard
Thinning, wildlife control aid Parsonage Village Vineyard Aggressive pruning is part of staying on top of things at Carmel Valley’s Parsonage Village Vineyard that grows grapes by battling disease, weeds, wildlife damage and other obstacles.... more »
Land-use bill for solar sites opposed
Roughly half of California’s 30 million acres of farmland is protected from development by the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. Proposed state legislation to modify California’s longstanding farmland conservation law could pave the way... more »
Biofungicide Mevalone approved for use in California
Sipcam Agro USA has launched biofungicide Mevalone in California. The fungicide has been used by grape growers in the U.S. and Europe for several years to manage bunch rot (Botrytis) and powdery mildew on wine,... more »