Pest Control
Weather conditions favorable for SWD spray applications in Michigan
Managing spotted wing drosophila in blueberries and raspberries is critical during harvest. Lower daily temperatures are an opportunity for using a wider range of insecticide products recommended for control. Currently, pyrethroids are very effective. As... more »
Michigan small fruit update includes SWD treatment options
Spotted wing drosophila continues as the major threat for blueberries and raspberries. Timely insecticide applications and fruit sampling after each application is critical to ensure the effectiveness of your control program. West central Michigan remains... more »
Report: Safer, more-sustainable alternatives to banned pesticide chlorpyrifos
A report issued July 16 identifies alternatives for California growers to the banned pesticide chlorpyrifos and calls for continued work toward safer, more sustainable pest management practices. Following California's historic decision to end use of... more »
X-disease phytoplasma vector management for 2020
Managing the leafhopper vectors of X-disease phytoplasma postharvest is important this season to slow the spread of the pathogen. Here we cover basic considerations. Keep in mind there are many unknowns about these leafhoppers and... more »
Michigan small fruit report notes impact of SWD, sap beetles
The spotted wing drosophila (SWD) remains as the major threat for blueberries and raspberries in the entire Michigan fruit growing regions. Maintaining an effective monitoring and control is critical to prevent fruit damage. The strawberry... more »
FMC’s Avaun eVo insect formulation tackles pests affecting specialty crops
FMC has just released and made available for immediate use a new insecticide formulation, Avaunt eVo insect control, in a range of crops including brassicas, pome and stone fruits, cucurbits, leafy vegetables, low-growing berries and... more »
Mid-summer management of insect pests in fruit orchards outlined by PSU
In most Pennsylvania fruit orchards the first-generation activities of codling moth, tufted apple bud moth, or oblique-banded leafroller adult moths are almost over. It will take from two to four weeks before the second generation... more »
$66M set to enable growers to protect crops from pests and disease
Aiming to kick-start the crop protection industry’s stalled R&D pipelines to develop novel, safer products for the global farming community, Enko Chem Inc.(Enko) today publicly launched June 26 after securing $45 million in a Series B... more »