
Apple Production Challenges and Solutions: A Global Perspective Description

How do we increase apple yields profitably without significantly increasing inputs? Challenges with balancing nutrient levels (Ca, Mg & K), bitter pit, high prices of inputs, and market fluctuation are common for
apple producers across the globe. Tapping into ICL’s network of +200 agronomists, we have invited specialists from ICL’s Apple Crop Expert Group to discuss key global learnings, new research, and best practices from a U.S. perspective. The panel, led by Dr. Jason Haegele, ICL’s North American Agronomy Lead Agronomist, will explore:

– Common challenges and opportunities for apple producers
– Maximizing inputs with application approaches
– Strategies to increase yield and quality without significantly
increasing inputs
– New local and global apple trials

Sponsored by: ICL

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Data-Driven Decision-Making: Fruit Growers Explain How They Stay on Top of Evolving Environmental Challenges

As inflation drives up input costs and extreme weather strains crop yields, many fruit growers are turning to agtech for help. To fine-tune decisions around planting, harvesting, irrigating, preparing for frost, spraying for pests, etc., growers are deploying monitoring solutions that enable them to keep better tabs on crop growth cycles and environmental conditions. In this webinar, Chris Sullivan, president of Davis Instruments, will talk with a panel of fruit growers about the monitoring solutions they are using to stay on top of evolving weather-related challenges.

Sponsored by: Davis Instruments

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Sustainable Development 101: How to enhance and grow your product offering

Available on-demand.

This webinar is a practical overview on identifying opportunities for sustainable design and best practices on overcoming key barriers to integrating alternative solutions in your growing operations. Our speakers will explain five of the key principles on how to maximize your product value and offer real-life case studies.

We know sustainable products are a growing business opportunity, but what is the best way to go about incorporating alternatives into your business? Better yet, what’s the risk if you don’t? A successful pathway to devising a fit-for-purpose product portfolio while reducing your carbon footprint can take shape in a variety of ways. While it’s not a one-size-fits-all, there are a few key elements that can help when considering and prioritizing activities to accelerate your product value offering. Every industry presents unique barriers, but also creative solutions! In the horticulture space, the opportunity to look at internal processes, product components and increased storytelling can really set your products apart among competitors. We’ll take a closer look at specific examples represented in the value chain and apply various lenses to help provide guidance on ways to maximize product messaging. Solutions exist within your suppliers, customers – and your customer’s customer – so let us help you guide the way. Moderated by editorial director Tim Hodson and sponsored by HC Companies.

Sponsored by: The HC Companies

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Applications and Benefits of Wireless Sensor Networks for Fruit Growers

Available On-Demand.
As growers, you face increasing costs, more regulations, and new challenges associated with the global pandemic, so operating at a profit can be more difficult than ever. Take a step toward regaining and retaining control by registering for this free live webinar to learn about new wireless sensor technologies that can help you improve efficiency, minimize water and pesticide use, and save time!

The data-logging experts at Onset, maker of the wireless, web-enabled HOBOnet Field Monitoring System, will discuss real-world applications and explain how the reliable, low-cost HOBOnet monitoring solution can give you the climate, soil, and water conditions data you need to optimize the efficiency of your farming operation – and provide you with automatic text and/or email alerts if critical conditions, like frost risk and low soil moisture, occur.

Hosted by Fruit Growers News and presented by Onset.

Sponsored by: Onset

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Current Issue

Fruit Growers News September 2024 issue cover image of peaches

Controlled atmosphere storage

Postharvest markets: Three Springs Fruit Farm

Connecting innovation, education at GLEXPO

Organic Grower: Keeping organics legit

Fresh Views: Leveraging social media

Farm Market & Agritourism

Ag Labor Review


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