Georgia leads nation in blueberry production
With the tally from the 2014 growing season complete, it's official. Georgia now leads the nation in blueberry production.According to a news release from the University of Georgia, UGA blueberry breeder Scott NeSmith, who is... more »
New apple-eating moth found in shipment
A moth not known to exist in the Western Hemisphere has been found in a shipment of hardware being trucked into the United States from Canada.U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials say the moth was... more »
Apply now to be the next Michigan Apple Queen
Women ages 17 to 23 with a strong and definite connection to the Michigan apple industry are encouraged to apply for the 2015 Michigan Apple Queen title, according to the Michigan Apple Committee (MAC).The application... more »
Report: Cranberry industry has multi-billion dollar impact
The Cranberry Marketing Committee (CMC) USA has announced the findings of an economic impact study of the North American cranberry. The study, conducted by University of California-Davis researchers, was jointly supported by the CMC, Cranberry... more »
Michigan’s wine grape crop will be half the size of 2013
The Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council anticipates roughly a 50 percent reduction in the size of the state’s 2014 wine grape crop compared to the record 7,600 tons reported in 2013.Severe cold events from... more »
EverCrisp on its way
It was early November 2008, shortly after apple harvest ended, when David Doud first realized he might have a special apple on his hands. The owner of David Doud’s Countyline Orchard near Wabash, Indiana, was... more »
Michigan Tree Fruit Commission, MSU forge agreement
Maintaining infrastructure needs at the state’s agricultural research stations will be a top funding priority for the newly established Michigan Tree Fruit Commission (MTFC). Meeting for the second time since the organization’s establishment earlier this... more »
Agritourism professionals create association
In August, a new organization, the National Agritourism Professionals Association (NAPA), was formed to help support the agritourism industry and the people working within it. Its focus will be on issues such as zoning, regulations,... more »