Plant Nutrition
Research aims to understand how plant roots adapt to rocky soils
Hidden under our feet lies an entire unseen world. The soil teems with life. Microbes, small animals and fungi all call the darkness home. And so do plants. At least the half of them that we know... more »
Study takes ‘seasonal pulse’ of plant productivity
Getting a fix on the timing of seasonal plant events like fruiting or leaf senescence could get easier to do, thanks to time-series images captured by PhenoCams – tower-mounted digital cameras operated by scientists participating... more »
Applying compost in apple orchards could reduce need for synthetic fertilizer
As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what’s the key to growing a quality apple? Apple trees need access to important nutrients, which come from the soil. However, soil is... more »
Fertilizer rates for specialty crops require accurate calculations
A common question this time of the year is: "I have done my soil test, and it says I need to add a certain amount of nutrients. How do I determine what fertilizer to apply... more »
FFAR and OFRF renew partnership to improve soil health research
The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) and the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) are thrilled to announce the continuation of their partnership to fund on-farm research advancing the climate benefits of organic agriculture systems. Priorities will... more »
Yara to host global launch event for Agoro Carbon Alliance
Yara, a crop nutrition solutions provider, will officially introduce the Agro Carbon Alliance during a global launch event on June 8 at 9 a.m. CDT (10 a.m. EDT). The Agoro Carbon Alliance is Yara's new... more »
Koch Agronomic Services acquires Compass Minerals’ micronutrient assets
Wichita, Kansas-based Koch Agronomic Services LLC (Koch) completed its acquisition of Compass Minerals' North American micronutrient assets, the global intellectual property rights, with trademarks and patents and certain other assets associated with Wolf Trax, Rocket... more »
Crop advisors, general public offered online nitrogen management course
The University of California has opened registration for a seven-part video course on nitrogen management. The series, taught by UC researchers and extension specialists, begins May 10. The course is open to anyone interested nitrogen... more »