Nov 3, 2021
Cevya fungicide from BASF gets approval for use in California

California grape, tree fruit, pome and stone fruit growers can now use Cevya fungicide from BASF after it received registration from the state’s Department of Pesticide Regulation.

Cevya fungicide delivers strong disease control against powdery mildews, Phomopsis, Alternaria leaf spot, shothole, rust, brown rot and scab.

“The future of fungicides is here for California growers,” Sarah Howard, BASF product manager, specialty crop fungicides, said in a news release. “We are excited to launch Cevya fungicide in California to provide grape, tree, and fruit growers an innovative and unique tool to fight key diseases and maximize yield potential.”

Cevya provides long-lasting residual control against many diseases for extended crop protection under varied weather conditions. It has a highly favorable regulatory profile that may help BASF obtain registrations worldwide, facilitating trade for growers. The active ingredient was also the first DMI to receive the Reduced Risk classification by the U.S. EPA, which means Cevya fungicide can deliver dependable crop protection even as other DMI fungicide registrations are being withdrawn. Cevya fungicide is the first and only isopropanol- azole on the market, making it a strong resistance management tool.

“Fungal disease resistance management continues to be important for specialty crop growers in California,“ Howard said. “Growers have been reliant on FRAC Group 7 and 11 but can now add Cevya fungicide, FRAC Group 3 to manage potential resistance.

“For example, Merivon fungicide from BASF – FRAC group 7 and 11 – can be applied at full bloom,” Howard explained. “Follow that with a spring application of Cevya fungicide. Growers will get the disease protection they want and need while being able to rotate fungicides for good Integrated Pest Management practices.”

To learn more about the benefits of Cevya fungicide, talk with your local BASF expert or visit

Always read and follow label directions. Cevya and Merivon are registered trademarks of BASF.

For more information, visit

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