Georgia ag labor forum 2024

May 9, 2024
Registration opens for Georgia ag labor forum

The Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association’s labor seminar returns this year but at a different time of the year.

The Georgia Ag Labor Relations Forum is scheduled for Aug. 20-21 and returns to Tifton, Georgia.

The conference will remain at the University of Georgia Tifton Conference Center and continue to offer a comprehensive two-day program of updates and discussions tailored for agricultural employers, according to a news release.

Georgia GFVGA labor forum

This event brings together regulators and renowned experts from the ag labor industry. The forum’s format and design encourage active engagement, enabling ag employers, HR managers, and administrators to collaboratively tackle the ongoing and dynamic challenge of securing and sustaining a reliable workforce within a complex regulatory landscape, according to the release.

This event is designed for all owners, operators, office managers, personnel managers and service providers for the produce, nursery, landscape, dairy, cotton, and any other agricultural professionals dealing with agricultural labor relations, according to the release.

Presenting sponsors include the Georgia Farm Bureau, Georgia Agribusiness Council. The Georgia Pecan Growers Association, the Vidalia Onion Committee and the AgWorks H2 and Ganaz labor management concerns.

Hotel discount rates are available. Reservations must be made by July 31 to receive the discounted room rate.

Learn more about the event here. 

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