Oct 18, 2023WSU presents sessions on pear pests, IPM
Washington State University (WSU) is presenting two “pear study circles” on pests and how to control them.
Study circles are designed to provide opportunities for growers, consultants, researchers, and industry professionals to learn from one another to improve pear profitability and sustainability, according to WSU. The free events will be in-person and streamed.
The first study circle is Nov. 15 at Mission Creek Community Club in Cashmere, Washington. The topic, “Scouting, Thresholds, Conserving Natural Enemies,” includes presentations by Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris, USDA research entomologist, who will share new information on the biology of Trechnites (pear parasitoids), and Tianna DuPont, WSU tree fruit Extension specialist, who will share information on Campylomma and Deraeocoris biology and spray timing impacts.
The second study circle is Dec. 13, at the same location in Cashmere, and is about phenology-based integrated pest management. A panel discussion with Darin Palmer, Mel Weythman, Sam Parker and other participants in a pear IPM project, will be facilitated by Robert Orpet and Molly Sayles of WSU.
Walk-ins are allowed, but streaming participants are required to register. Meals will be served at the study circles.