Nov 21, 2017
Rainier Fruit launches ‘Wholesome Heroes’ campaign

Rainier Fruit has launched a new program, Wholesome Heroes, to celebrate individuals who embody the company’s “Wholesome to the Core” marketing campaign.

As a leading grower of healthy, wholesome fruit, Rainier partners with organizations and initiatives that focus on health, wellness, and active lifestyle. Over the past few years, the company has established partnerships with the Boston Marathon, the Portland Marathon, Charleston Marathon, and Twin Cities Marathon.

Rainier is looking for people who are making a positive impact in their community through the work they do, volunteer efforts, or health and wellness initiatives that impact themselves, their family, or their community.

“When we talk about ’Wholesome to the Core,’ we’re talking about more than just our fruit,” said Mark Zirkle, President of Rainier Fruit, “The philosophy encompasses our sustainable growing practices, being of service to our employees, contributing to our community, and growing healthy fruit that is the fuel for positive actions.”

Wholesome Heroes will be named on a weekly basis, and Rainier Fruit will share their stories to help draw attention to the important work that these heroes are doing. Rainier Fruit will also name Wholesome Heroes within their company, as well trade partners throughout the industry that are going above and beyond. A small recognition package will be awarded to all named Wholesome Heroes.

“Rainier Fruit is a not a food company, we are a lifestyle company,” said Andy Tudor, vice president of business development at Rainier Fruit. “Healthy food fuels healthy living and we’re proud to not only grow some of the healthiest foods in the world, but help tell the stories of the people around the country that are making a difference.”

To nominate someone who is making a positive impact, please visit the Rainier website to complete the nomination form.

Rainier Fruit is a multi-generation, vertically integrated fruit company based in Selah, Washington, producing apples, pears, cherries and blueberries.

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