May 22, 2020
USApple converting Outlook Conference into two-day virtual event

The U.S. Apple Association announced May 22 that it will move its annual apple industry 2020 Outlook Conference to an online format for 2020.

The organization issued the following statement:

“Typically, we would be opening registration this month for our Outlook Conference in Chicago. However, on May 5, the Illinois governor and Chicago mayor released their five-phase reopening plans. In both plans, gatherings of more than 50 people are not permitted until Phase 5, which begins only once a COVID-19 vaccine or highly effective treatment is widely available.

In other words, even if people feel comfortable traveling to Chicago in August, a conference of Outlook’s size would be prohibited under the Illinois/Chicago plans. In addition to these restrictions, we also feel it is important to avoid jeopardizing the health and safety of our attendees and their families. Therefore, we will be shifting Outlook 2020 to a virtual event, which will be held August 20-21.

We know this is disappointing news; however, our goal is to use this opportunity to leverage outstanding and engaging content in order to broaden the conference’s reach to a larger, virtual audience. We already have great speakers lined up and have been studying best practices of other organizations that have successfully executed virtual events.

Be on the lookout for an email with registration information the first week of June.

We hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy in these challenging times.”



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