Apr 22, 2024
Pennsylvania recognizes fruit industry professionals

Chris Baugher, vice president of operations for Adams County Nursery, is the State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania (SHAP) 2024 Outstanding Grower of the Year.

Baugher received the honor during the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention in Hershey, Pennsylvania, in late January.

As he accepted the award from presenter Brad Hollabaugh, Baugher had a simple explanation for why he was on stage.

Chris Baugher of Adams County Nursery is the State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania 2024 Outstanding Grower of the Year. Photo by Chris Koger.

“I guess the only thing I can say is, when you’re raised by excellent people and surrounded by them your whole life, it’s hard not to do well,” he said, after thanking his wife and family for their support. In his introduction, Hollabaugh made it clear Baugher has volunteered his time to help the state’s fruit industry. He’s served on the SHAP board and has been its president, and has been involved with the Adams County Fruit Growers Association, the Pennsylvania State Pesticide Advisory Board, Pennsylvania Farm Bureau and other groups.

“He has given his time and talents to serve the industry in many aspects, including horticultural, legislative and regulatory involvement,” said Hollabaugh, president of Hollabaugh Brothers, Biglerville, Pennsylvania. “Over the years, we often worked together on legislative issues, and I know that his involvement with Farm Bureau was very helpful in forging a strong relationship between that organization and the fruit industry at large,” Hollabaugh said.

He credited Baugher with experimenting with different production systems for fruit trees and working to improve sprayer equipment at his operation. Baugher, who has been an orchard manager throughout his career, represents the fourth generation at Adams County Nursery, Aspers, Pennsylvania.

He’s a big proponent of volunteering, and is known for encouraging others to pitch in during the Pennsylvania Farm Show and its annual apple sale, a SHAP fundraiser. SHAP also recognized Hollabaugh Brothers for earning the Best Bushel and Best Roadside Fruit Market Exhibit during the Pennsylvania Farm Show in early January.

The family operation placed in dozens of categories. The annual show awards hundreds of ribbons for different packages of apples, pears and other fruit. The annual cider award competition was Jan. 30.

The first place winner is Metrick’s Harvest View Farm, Butler, Pennsylvania. Second place is Scholl Orchards, Bethlehem. Third place is Hands on the Earth Orchard, Lititz.

— Chris Koger, managing editor



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