Dozens of Congressional leaders ask for action on spotted lanternfly
More than 40 members of Congress are calling on the U.S. Department of Agriculture to take “immediate steps” to eradicate the spread of spotted lanternfly (SLF) – which was recently discovered for the first time in... more »
FFVA sessions highlight new produce snacks, dining trends
One purpose of the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association’s convention was to pollinate ideas as a group that could benefit the industry. In sessions, attendees got a peek into how gene editing could help increase... more »
Tart cherry crop keeps industry busy during summer
It has been a busy summer for the cherry industry! The tart cherry crop fell short of the industry and USDA estimates. The Cherry Industry Administrative Board (CIAB) estimated 262.3 million pounds and the total... more »
CMI promotes new leaders, prepares for growth in apple category
CMI Orchards, Wenatchee, Washington, has promoted several positions, with leadership transitions to prepare for a period of tremendous growth. CMI President Bob Mast said the company continues to “evolve, grow and become ever more complex.... more »
WSU targets x-disease, Little cherry disease tree removal
Washington State University Extension, in partnership with county Conservation Districts and pest boards, is offering cost share funds to remove and test trees infected with X-disease and little cherry disease. Funding is available through a... more »
Ridgefest updates industry on Michigan apple, cherry research
As old apple orchards are removed to make way for more valuable cultivars, apple replant disease can be an issue causing early decline of trees planted into old orchard ground. Replant disorder occurs when new... more »
Grower innovations displayed in IFTA Summer Tour
At the International Fruit Tree Association’s (IFTA) 2022 Summer Tour, participants gained insights into effectively growing apples, cherries and pears. During the July 17-20 tour, industry participants visited Columbia River Basin fruit growers who told... more »
Washington tree fruit group donates air purifiers for worker housing
The Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) has donated air purifiers to be used in farm worker housing. WSTFA delivered the units in recent weeks to the Catholic Charities of Central Washington and the Yakima... more »