Crop Protection
SWD detected in wide range of fruit crops in Michigan
Michigan State University Extension fruit team members are wrapping up monitoring for spotted wing Drosophila (SWD) in crops that have been harvested, and SWD activity has now been detected in most locations where there are fruit crops being... more »
Fruit rot management options seen for pome, stone fruit
Management considerations are discussed for mitigating pome and stone fruit rots. Hail damaged fruit destined for juicing still need protection from rots. We are in the middle of a delicious peach harvest and apples aren’t... more »
Chateau herbicide California-registered for caneberries
Valent U.S.A. 's Chateau Herbicide SW has been registered by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation for use on citrus and caneberries. A preemergence herbicide, Chateau offers growers residual protection against more than 90 annual... more »
BASF’S Pristine relieves summer disease pressure
{Sponsored} Vigilance and proactive fungicide applications have positioned California grape growers for healthy yields. Wet winter weather patterns continued into spring, particularly in northern and coastal California. Conditions were conducive for high disease pressure but... more »
Blueberry growers urged to take stock of SWD pressure
Blueberry harvest is in full swing in Michigan all counties. Fruit is of excellent quality and flavor but growers need to pay attention to spotted wing drosophila management recommendations. West central Michigan has remained under... more »
Optimize preharvest sprays for managing postharvest diseases
For most postharvest diseases of apple and pear, infections are initiated in the orchard at different times during the growing season. As the harvest season is approaching for some early cultivars, it is time to... more »
Second generation codling moth, Oriental fruit moth seen
The flight of the second generation codling moth started recently in most orchards located in South-central Pennsylvania. With the extended flight of the first generation codling moth (CM) which lasted until late June and the... more »
Lengthening crop rotations curtails weeds, pests
According to the USDA report Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation, temperatures in the next 40 years are expected to rise 1-2 degrees Celsius. This will increase pest pressure because insects that... more »