Northwest pear estimate down from last year’s record
This year’s Northwest pear crop won’t be a record-breaker like last year’s, but growers were expecting quality fruit.That was the assessment in early June, when Pear Bureau Northwest (PBN) projected a fresh-market crop of 18.7... more »
Appointments made to Michigan Tree Fruit Commission
Gov. Rick Snyder has announced nine appointments to the newly created Michigan Tree Fruit Commission.The nine-member commission was established by growers in 2014 to improve the economic position and competitiveness of the Michigan tree fruit... more »
Fruit Crop Guesstimate set for June 25
The 59th Annual Fruit Crop Guesstimate is scheduled for June 25 at the Hilton Grand Rapids Airport Hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan.The Guesstimate will start at 2:30 p.m. and a reception will follow at 5... more »
WA 38 apple finally gets a brand name: Cosmic Crisp
The newest Washington State University (WSU) apple, designated WA 38, is one step closer to hitting supermarkets with the announcement of its brand name: Cosmic Crisp.The name was chosen after an extensive process led by... more »
Streptomycin will not be allowed in organic orchards
The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) has voted not to extend use of streptomycin in organic apple and pear orchards beyond the current deadline. That means organic apple and pear growers will not be allowed... more »
United Fresh 2014 New Product Award finalists announced
United Fresh announced a record 40 fresh fruit and vegetable innovations as finalists for the United Fresh Produce Association’s 2014 New Product Awards. This year’s finalists will compete in five categories for the title of... more »
Rutgers breeding program puts science first
The process leading to the release of breakthrough cranberry varieties at Rutgers University represents a nearly 30-year evolution. Driving the program to these heights has been Nicholi Vorsa and his colleagues. After starting the cranberry... more »
Marketers share winning sales ideas
In 2007, Giff and Mae Burnap, who run Butternut Farm in Farmington, N.H., tried something new: They gave out free u-pick apple bags at a local elementary school. The half-peck bags were given to the... more »