Jun 1, 2021
Southern Illinois Summer Twilight series schedules three programs

The Southern Illinois Summer Twilight series is accepting registrations for its next three programs.

The series highlights and demonstrates innovative farm systems across southern Illinois.

The first installment showcased Flam Orchards and focused on strawberry production.

But there is practical information all farmers and growers can benefit from.

“I think all of the series just gives an opportunity just to see different things and to give growers a little more detailed approach on say a specific crop or specific idea on farm. And the thing that I’ve always loved about it is it is all very practical information. These are things and practices people can take home and use,” said Nathan Johanning, a commercial agriculture educator from the University of Illinois.

The next meetings will cover:

  • June 21, 2021 Dixon Springs Agricultural Center, 354 State Hwy. 145 N, Simpson, IL – high tunnel insect management & vegetable production
  • July 12, 2021 Baebler Educational Farm, 4022 JJ Rd., Waterloo, IL – no-till tomato & pepper production
  • August 16, 2021 Bauman Family Farm, 2230 Buncombe Rd., Vienna, IL – regenerative grazing in cattle production

There is no cost to attend these in-person programs, but pre-registration is required as capacity is limited to 50 participants for each meeting to allow for social distancing.

Please do not attend if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms. Face masks will be required by attendees and staff.

You can register online or by phone by calling 618-695-2441.

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