Sep 10, 2020
Australia’s Plum Varieties: The Big Three

Initially marketed in Australia as the Sweetah plum, AJOP20 cv., is ready to harvest on the leading edge of the soft fruit season, according to a news release from AIGN. Variety owner RPA Superfoods Pty Ltd., claims the very high brix (22-24) reading of their selection makes the rosy, heart-shaped fruit one of the sweetest early season plums on the market. Fruit available from plantings in the Southern Hemisphere will coincide nicely with the Christmas and Lunar New Year holidays.

The mid-season Queen Garnet cv. managed by Global Master Licensee, Nutrafruit Pty Ltd. may be the most well-known of the group due to its use in processed products, according to the news release. Also known by its trademark tagline, “QG – The Antioxidant Plum,” this selection has a very high antioxidant content found in the deep purple/dark red pigments of the skin and the flesh.

Related: New Australian varieties to be marketed in U.S.››

Finally, the plum selection owned by Vitaplum Technology Pty Ltd., and marketed locally under the Vitaplum name, GW1 cv., will enter the market near the end of the soft fruit season. Vitaplum GW1 cv. is a sweet-tasting plum with a balanced flavor, very dark, nearly black flesh and high antioxidant readings, according to the news release.


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