Crop Management
New resources for growers arrive for National Pollinator Week
How can farmers help bees and ensure they get reliable pollination for their crops? That question is being addressed by the Integrated Crop Pollination Project, which is celebrating National Pollinator Week, June 19-25, by highlighting... more »
Autonomous vehicle rolled out by Harvest CROO Robotics
Harvest CROO Robotics announced the introduction of their autonomous vehicle. This is a major step towards the completion of the Alpha Unit, which is expected to be picking strawberries in Florida next winter. As part... more »
Many California growers are still dealing with wet conditions
It may not be raining much anymore, but all that water is still doing a number on some growers of California peaches, walnuts and almonds. Exactly how big of a number is still unknown. Janine... more »
Deer damage targeted with funds allocated in New Jersey
New Jersey Agriculture Secretary Douglas H. Fisher announced June 6 that the State Agriculture Development Committee (SADC) has approved $456,122 in cost-sharing grants to help 32 farmer applicants purchase and install deer fencing on preserved farms... more »
Michigan State University researchers get grant to target SWD in tart cherries
The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, a nonprofit established through bipartisan congressional support in the 2014 Farm Bill, today awarded $150,000 to scientists at Michigan State University (MSU) to combat spotted wing drosophila (SWD),... more »
Rainfast characteristics of insecticides on fruit reviewed
The rainfall events experienced in Michigan have prompted questions about the relative “rainfastness” of the insecticides used in fruit production. In 2006, AgBioResearch provided funds to purchase and install a state-of-the-art rainfall simulation chamber at... more »
Consider a June planting of sorghum sudangrass following orchard removal
Have you recently pushed out a block of older fruit trees? In commercial grower plots, we are learning that sudangrass is an excellent first step to replant success. Sorghum sudangrass hybrids, also called sudex, are... more »
New formula doubles performance of SWD lure
A new study on chemical lures for trapping and monitoring spotted wing drosophila (SWD) has optimized a formula for significantly greater attraction. A lure for catching and monitoring in D. suzukii populations was developed in... more »