Crop Protection
IPM to boost speciality crops pursued through USDA grants
USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has awarded grants to bring safer, more effective pest management approaches to farms and communities. “Insects, weeds, and diseases are ever-evolving challenges for U.S. agriculture,” said NIFA... more »
Samurai wasps seen as way to attack stink bugs
The samurai wasp could be the country’s best chance at beating back a stink bug that’s invading the Great Lakes region. That’s what researchers concluded at the recent end of an entomology project funded by... more »
FDA report: Minimal pesticide residue issues detected
A new Food and Drug Administration report indicates 98 percent of domestic and 90 percent of imported foods tested in fiscal year 2015 met federal pesticide residue limits. The 47-page report, available online, examined pesticide residues... more »
Stink bug invasion subject of ARS research efforts
The invasive brown marmorated stink bug causes problems for homeowners and farmers and threatens U.S. specialty crops valued at over $20 billion. Farmers rely on insecticide sprays to reduce crop-damaging stink bugs. Another strategy is... more »
Nufarm receives OMRI listing for Cuproxat FL Copper Fungicide
Nufarm Americas has received OMRI (Organic Materials Research Institute) listing for Cuproxat FL Copper Fungicide – an innovative solution for the safe, dependable control of bacterial and fungal diseases across more than 60 edibles, now... more »
Helena Chemical, Greenspire Global sign distribution agreement
Greenspire Global has entered into a distribution agreement with Helena Chemical to sell Procidic bactericide and fungicide. “We’re pleased to have Helena, a leading national distributor for crop production materials, as a partner to supply... more »
Phosphorous efficiency improved with new Verdesian tool
A nutrient use efficiency technology that increases the availability of phosphorus (P) for plant uptake by up to 45 percent has a new formulation that is now available to growers for a wide range of... more »
Certis USA plant activator product wins Agrow, IBMA awards
LifeGard, the first biological plant activator product in agriculture, is recognized as a top biological product of the year by two prestigious international organizations. LifeGard was named 2017 Best New Biological Product in London Octo.... more »