Crop Protection
Northwest Michigan frost damage being assessed
Unfortunately, northwest Michigan recorded some low overnight temperatures for the past two nights, May 7-9. During the early morning of May 8, the Bear Lake Enviroweather station recorded temperatures in the mid-25 degree Fahrenheit range... more »
Pursue black stem borer spring management
Incidents of black stem borer injury to young apple orchards are on the rise in Michigan. Adults are attracted to stressed trees although they have been known to infest trees that do not appear to... more »
Michigan growers assess cold weather impact
Michigan State University Extension has issued an update on frost damage in "The Ridge" area near Sparta, Michigan. There were two very cold mornings this week on May 8 and 9 leading to some injury to flower... more »
Michigan apple growers see some frost damage
Growers around "The Ridge" near Sparta, Michigan are currently assessing the frost damage from the cold overnight temperatures on May 7-8, with more cold expected for the morning of May 9. As of now, there... more »
Spotted wing drosophila monitoring for 2017 cherries
Elizabeth Beers, Washington State Extension scientist, tells Washington state growers that with cherry bloom behind them, and straw coming up rapidly, it’s time to finalize plans for trapping spotted wing drosophila (SWD), and thinking about which trap/lure... more »
Resources for managing cherry pesticide residues
When it comes to concerns over pesticide residues, cherry growers require a lot of complex, up-to-the-minute information to make appropriate management decisions. Specifically, they need to know exactly where their sales desks intend to export... more »
Three new honeybee health research projects get funding
Three new research proposals submitted by Bayer and Project Apis m. have received grants from Healthy Hives 2020, a $1 million research effort to improve the health of honeybee colonies in the U.S. by the... more »
New study reveals pesticide peril in beehives
Honeybees – employed to pollinate crops during the blooming season – encounter danger due to lingering and wandering pesticides, according to a new Cornell University study that analyzed the bee’s own food. Researchers used 120... more »