Crop Protection
Fungicides applied at bloom may reduce fruit set in grapes
Figure 1. Grape cluster weight at harvest in response to a single fungicide application at full bloom in Concord grapes in Michigan in 2013. Control of fungal diseases in fruit crops relies on the regular... more »
New Delegate and Entrust labels allow for one-day PHI in bushberry crops
Dow AgroSciences has released new labels for their spinosyn insecticides Delegate and Entrust used in the bushberry crop group. These labels increase growers’ flexibility when they use Delegate and Entrust for managing spotted wing Drosophilaand... more »
Label expanded for use of Abamex on specialty crops
With an updated label for the insecticide Abamex from Nufarm, more specialty crops can benefit from the product’s control of pysllids, mites, leafminers and other pests. Abamex is a new low-volatility, water-based formulation of abamectin... more »
Crop load, better nutrient management curb bitter pit
Multiple years of studies in Pennsylvania grower orchards are providing additional clues for managing Honeycrisp in the orchard to prevent bitter pit following storage. Research led by Penn State University Extension Educator Tara Baugher, Professor... more »
Studies show dust can affect weed control with glyphosate
Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States (including in tree fruits) for the post-emergent weed management. First registered under the trade name Roundup in 1974, glyphosate became a popular... more »
Bayer’s Grow On initiative aims to help communicate sustainable practices
Bayer introduces Grow On, an initiative to provide growers with tools to identify, implement and communicate sustainable farming practices. Grow On provides resources for citrus, grape, pome and stone fruit, potato, tree nut and vegetable... more »
Tour observantly through orchards to detect potato leafhopper
Potato leafhopper (PLH) does not overwinter in the northeast but instead migrates on thermals (warm air masses) from the south. It is generally a more serious problem in the Hudson Valley than in western New... more »
AMVAC acquires crop protection lines from Adama
American Vanguard on June 6 announced that its wholly owned subsidiary AMVAC Chemical Corp. (AMVAC) has completed the acquisition of three crop protection product lines – abamectin, chlorothalonil and paraquat – from Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd.,... more »