June 2017

Growers seek best way to supply fruit to cidery market

Crop load, better nutrient management curb bitter pit

Kearneysville station research focuses on breeding yield into fruit trees

Data program keeps tack of worker productivity

Chlorine used in drip may not reduce bacterial loads

We're happy to provide a sampling of the articles in this issue. To receive full issues of Fruit Growers News, please subscribe.

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Current Issue

Michigan Ridgefest: Innovative orchard production techniques meet new marketing approaches

Maine strawberry grower Tom Stevenson

Ground resiliency: Water conservation, sustainable practices improve land, plant health

Investing in plant health: The hardiness of your plants is good for your bottom line

*Fresh Views: New freeze protection methods in perennial fruit crops

Farm Market & Agritourism: Measuring success with a marketing plan

Ag Labor Review: More heavy lifting needed





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