Feb 1, 2021
Jill McCluskey named editor of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Helping share and expand knowledge of the economics of food, agriculture, and natural resources, Jill McCluskey, Regents Professor and Director of the School of Economic Sciences at Washington State University, is the newest editor of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE).

Published by the Agricultural & Applied Economic Association (AAEA), the journal is a forum for scholarly work on the economics of agriculture and food, natural resources and the environment, and rural and community development throughout the world.

McCluskey is a past president and Fellow of the AAEA, which serves professionals in agricultural and related fields of applied economics. She is the AJAE’s first editor from WSU.

Joining the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Jill McCluskey, Regents Professor and Director of the School of Economic Sciences, is the journal’s first editor from Washington State University.

A world-class scholar and a gifted mentor, McCluskey is the first woman to direct Washington State University’s (WSU’s) School of Economic Sciences, named to that post in 2019. She has worked as an economist at WSU for more than 21 years.

Focusing on product quality and reputation, sustainable labeling, consumer preferences for new technology, and representation of women in STEM, McCluskey’s research has garnered international acclaim and won numerous awards.

She has long encouraged academic journals to include more women editors.

“Women are underrepresented in the field of agricultural and resource economics,” making up about 20% of tenure-track faculty at doctorate-granting departments, McCluskey said. “If a journal has all-male editors, it may be perceived as less open to women. For younger women, it can be confidence building to see a woman in an editor’s role. Women may also bring a different, and innovative, perspective to the table.”

AJAE has a panel of four editors. McCluskey was recruited to apply by current editors Marc Bellemare and Tim Richards. She begins her term as editor in July 2021.

“As editor, I will look for innovative, high-quality scholarship that generates broad interest and has impacts on thinking, research, and policy,” McCluskey said. “My network is large and diverse, and I will bring high quality, diverse, and innovative thinking and feedback through my own experience and reviewer network.”

Considered the top journal in its field internationally, AJAE receives more than 800 submissions per year, accepting roughly 10 percent.

“I hope that my involvement as an editor will help young researchers improve their work,” she said. “I hope to encourage big ideas with major impacts on some of the major challenges of our times.”

Learn more about the journal here: https://www.aaea.org/publications/ajae

Learn more about the School of Economic Sciences here: http://ses.wsu.edu/

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