
Pacific flatheaded borer threatening walnuts, other tree fruit

A field day is scheduled to address the Pacific flatheaded borer (PFB), a pest that is threatening walnuts and has been a threat to fruit trees. Walnut growers in Stanislaus County, California, are invited to... more »

Washington State system helps with orchard frost protection

Because Central Washington is situated between the Cascades and the Rockies, trapped cold air accumulates in the state’s central basin region. Sloping tree fruit orchards also experience pools of cold air, which require growers to... more »

Cherry Industry Administrative Board seeks board nominations

The Cherry Industry Administrative Board (CIAB) is requesting nominations to fill five board alternate positions. The positions end on June 30. The following seats on the CIAB are up for election for a 3-year term... more »

WSTFA reflects on 2024

The Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) is reflecting on the year that was. In the WSTFA’s 2024 Year in Review, the organization reviews opportunities and adversities for Washington’s most iconic crops While there were... more »

New SWD biopesticide being developed at MSU through USDA grant

A Michigan State University researcher has received a $325,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to develop a yeast-based biopesticide that targets spotted wing drosophila (SWD), an invasive... more »

IFTA members gain grove insights, view Central Valley tech and orchard practices

During the California’s Central Valley tour, participants in the International Fruit Tree Association’s 2024 event viewed a variety of fruit tree training, pruning and harvesting methods. The orchard bus tour showed how growers are more... more »

Spotted lanternfly detected in Georgia

An invasive and destructive insect pest, spotted lanternflies (SLF), has been discovered in Georgia. The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) has received confirmation from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) made the first detection of... more »

Growers nominated for WSTFA board elections

The Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) has nominated growers and a packer to stand for election in upcoming WSTFA elections. The following individuals were nominated to stand for election for three-year terms ending December... more »

Cherry Industry Administrative Board seeks nominees

The tart cherry federal marketing order, the Cherry Industry Administrative Board (CIAB), is looking for growers and handlers to fill five open board member positions. The CIAB wants industry people and their alternates to be... more »

AgroFresh introduces new product for U.S. apple, blueberry, cherry and pear growers

AgroFresh Solutions, a post-harvest produce technology company, has launched Harvista Mix, a new product for apple, blueberry, cherry and pear growers in the U.S. The latest addition to the Harvista 1.3 SC line offers growers... more »

Current Issue

Southeast Honors: Produce groups honor growers, Extension

Mr. Peach award

Specialty crop industry braces for policy shifts

Michigan ag leaders spearhead H-2A education campaign

MSHS’ new leader Mark Evans

Celebrating women in ag

2025 Disease Survey Report

Organic Grower: Cattail Organics

Farm Market & Agritourism: Crafting a strong value proposition for retail farm markets

Ag Labor Review: Labor forum highlights

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