40 Under 40, Class of 2023

George Zhuang


University of California Cooperative Extension at Fresno County

Job Title

Viticulture Advisor


George Zhuang started Viticulture Farm Advisor for UCCE Fresno County in January 2015. Before that, he received a Master of horticulture science degree at Michigan State University and a Bachelor of Viticulture and Enology at China Agricultural University. His current role as a viticulture extension specialist is to conduct applied research on rootstock selection, vineyard water management, mechanization and disease management, as well as update growers on university research results and current vineyard management issues.

Current Issue

Michigan Ridgefest: Innovative orchard production techniques meet new marketing approaches

Maine strawberry grower Tom Stevenson

Ground resiliency: Water conservation, sustainable practices improve land, plant health

Investing in plant health: The hardiness of your plants is good for your bottom line

*Fresh Views: New freeze protection methods in perennial fruit crops

Farm Market & Agritourism: Measuring success with a marketing plan

Ag Labor Review: More heavy lifting needed





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