Aug 6, 2015
NWMHRC annual open house scheduled for August 27

The Northwest Michigan Horticultural Research Center’s (NWMHRC) annual open house is scheduled for Aug. 27. This year’s event will include an equipment show, wine tasting and dinner, and the Leelanau Horticulture Society’s annual meeting. In addition, Greenstone Farm Credit Crop Insurance will be holding a discussion reviewing current fruit policies, as well as introducing the new Whole Farm Revenue Protection policy. This new policy is aimed toward specialty crop, and diverse growers. Dicussion will include a short powerpoint outling the basics, followed by a short Q and A.

The grounds to the exhibit area will open at 1:00 p.m., and equipment vendors will be on site. Free educational wagon tours of the NWMHRC featuring MSU specialists will take place from 3-4:45 p.m. The tour will include winegrape and tree fruit specialists that will speak on a variety of topics: disease management, vine health, insectarty plant plots, cover crops, high density Montmorency plantings and the recent over-the-row harvest that was held at the NWMHRC. Growers are encouraged to meet with equipment vendors during the social hour from 4:45 – 6 p.m. Dinner and the Leelanau Horticultural Society’s annual meeting will follow at 6 p.m.

As in past years, the equipment show, social hour, and dinner is sponsored by the Leelanau Horticultural Society and Parallel 45 with the educational portion sponsored by AgBioResearch, MSU Extension, and the NW Michigan Horticultural Research Foundation. To reserve or purchase a dinner ticket, please call (231) 946-1510 or email Jenn at [email protected] by Aug. 19. The dinner will be catered by Ethnic Garden Catering and will feature locally produced food; cost for dinner tickets is $10 per person.

For more information, contact the NW Michigan Horticultural Research Center at 231-946-1510.

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