MSU surveying Michigan apple growers on orchard “shock events”
Michigan State University (MSU) is surveying state apple growers to identify and quantify the frequency and impacts of shock events on the state’s apple production. The results of MSU’s Apple Grower Survey will help develop... more »
New MSHS president Mark Evans looks to promotes research
Industry research, networking and education are important to Mark Evans, farm manager for Evans Bros. Fruit Co. and the new president of the Michigan State Horticultural Society (MSHS). A fifth-generation grower, Evans’ Frankfort, Michigan, family... more »
GLEXPO Cider awards: Farmer White’s advances to first place
Farmer White’s is the 26th winner of the Michigan Apple Cider Contest. Over the past three seasons, the Williamsburg, Michigan, company advanced in the rankings, placing third three years ago and second last year. The... more »
GLEXPO bus tour: Fruit Ridge tour fostered farm market ideas, networking
The Great Lakes EXPO Farm Market Bus Tour visited a half dozen Grand Rapids, Michigan, area locations featuring a variety of attractions, crops and products. On Dec. 9, 146 participants packed three buses and visited... more »
USDA orders $40 million in processed apple products
Another $40M processed apple products purchase coming from USDA. Thanks to continued efforts of the Michigan Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Association (MACMA), the USDA announced it will purchase another $40 million of apple products from U.S.... more »
Michigan Ridgefest: New orchard techniques meet new marketing approaches
At the 13th annual Ridgefest near Fremont, Michigan, some new age marketing approaches combined with innovative orchard production techniques were showcased during the Aug. 1 event sponsored by the Michigan Pomesters. Included for the Michigan... more »
GLEXPO Distinguished Service Awards
Michigan hort society names award recipients By Madi Schafer, Contributing Writer Celebrating the achievements of individuals whose contributions have shaped Michigan's agricultural landscape, the Michigan State Horticultural Society (MSHS)’s Distinguished Service Award and Master Farmer... more »
Farmer White’s wins Michigan cider contest
Farmer White’s of Williamsburg, Michigan, won first place at the 26th annual Michigan Apple Cider Contest. The competition took place at DeVos Convention Center on Dec. 11, as part of the Great Lakes Expo Fruit,... more »