Crop Management

Concerns persist despite fertilizer prices stabilizing

After sharp spikes in fertilizer prices in 2022, farmers saw some relief last year as prices stabilized. With the 2024 planting season nearing, analysts say there remain key influences that could shape the outlook of... more »

Vive Crop Protection makes appointments

Vive Crop Protection has named a new Eastern U.S. sales manager, director of sustainability and stakeholder relations, and vice president of finance. With more than 25 years of experience in agriculture, Greg Esco brings a... more »

Unlocking vineyard data through technology

Grape growers, crop consultants, Extension faculty and other educators can learn about My Efficient Vineyard (MyEV),  an open-access tool used to integrate vineyard data into vineyard maps that can inform farm management decision-making, during a... more »

FGN webinar focuses on productivity in the apple orchard

The Fruit Growers News is hosting a webinar designed to inform apple growers how to profitably increase yields without increasing inputs. The webinar, "Apple Production Challenges and Solutions: A Global Perspective," is at at 2 p.m.... more »

Group advocates for specialty crops in Farm Bill

Amid ongoing farm bill discussions on Capitol Hill, the co-chairs of the Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance (SCFBA) gathered in Washington, D.C., to advocate for America’s $64.7 billion specialty crop industry.   The group recently... more »

Stemilt’s West Mathison named Apple Citizen of the Year

West Mathison, president and CEO of Stemilt Growers for 19 years, is the 2024 Apple Citizen of the Year. The Washington State Apple Blossom Festival awarded Mathison the honor on Feb. 10 at the Performing... more »

Strawberry variety features bright red, sweet fruit

The USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) strawberry breeding program in Beltsville, Maryland, is releasing a new cultivar, Lumina, which produces lustrous bright red strawberries that are large and sweet. Early research results quickly showed that... more »

USDA report: Fewer farms, but young farmers on the rise

The 2022 Census of Agriculture results, which span more than six million data points about U.S. farmers and their operations are now available from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). The information shows a... more »

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