Raspberries & Blackberries

Assessment of berry consumption in U.S. released

Researchers at the Center for Nutrition Research at the Illinois Institute of Technology recently published an assessment of berry consumption on associated health factors using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2007-2012. Citing... more »

Mildew Control product touts all-natural treatment

Palm Beach, Florida-based Vegalab has introduced its reformulated Mildew Control product. Mildew Control is a natural geraniol based pesticide that uses this essential plant oil in a formulation which, is both curative and preventative against... more »

MSU seeks input on impact of SWD on small fruit

Michigan State University's (MSU) Extension Small Fruit Team is seeking input regarding the impact of spotted wing drosophila on the 2017 Michigan berry production season. A Nov. 21 email message from MSU Extension Educator Carlos... more »

North American raspberry, blackberry group to meet

The North American Raspberry & Blackberry Conference will be held Feb. 21-24 in Ventura, California – a prime vacation destination and a major berry production region.  After an opening reception on Feb. 21, the conference... more »

Driscoll’s calls #BerryTogether campaign an emotional success

Berry giant Driscoll’s is calling its national #BerryTogether campaign a success in creating a more emotional connection with consumers. The program launched in July 2017 with an announcement of the top 10 berry-loving metropolitan areas... more »

Columbia Star blackberry ready from Oregon State University

United kingdom-based berry and asparagus specialist, Global Plant Genetics, is launching the new blackberry variety Columbia Star. Bred at Oregon State University, the cultivar is an early season, floricane type, noted for its exceptional flavour.... more »

Berry tunnel production, consumers subjects of surveys

TunnelBerries researchers Kathy Kelley and Kathy Demchak, both Penn State University personnel, will administer two Internet surveys to learn about growers’ experiences with high and low tunnels and consumer behavior and attitudes toward tunnel production.... more »

Researchers testing blackberry trellis for feasibility in Arkansas

Researchers with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s Fruit Research Station are looking at the potential for an innovative trellis system to increase overall blackberry production in the state. Amanda McWhirt, Extension horticulture... more »

Current Issue

Michigan Ridgefest: Innovative orchard production techniques meet new marketing approaches

Maine strawberry grower Tom Stevenson

Ground resiliency: Water conservation, sustainable practices improve land, plant health

Investing in plant health: The hardiness of your plants is good for your bottom line

*Fresh Views: New freeze protection methods in perennial fruit crops

Farm Market & Agritourism: Measuring success with a marketing plan

Ag Labor Review: More heavy lifting needed





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