CDFA seeks members for shipping point program
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is seeking candidates for vacancies on the Shipping Point Inspection Advisory Committee. The committee advises the CDFA secretary on all matters pertaining to the Shipping Point Inspection... more »
Cal Pol Strawberry Center Field Day sets attendance record
Nearly 500 strawberry growers, shippers, processors, researchers and agricultural stakeholders gathered for the seventh annual Cal Poly Strawberry Center Field Day. The event, on Aug. 3, is the largest research and education event for the... more »
Utah tart cherry tour highlights domestic production
The Utah Red Tart Cherry Marketing Board (URTCMB), in partnership with Cherry Marketing Institute (CMI), led online influencers, Utah lawmakers and other industry stakeholders on an orchard and cherry processing plant tour. The July 27... more »
Despite crop delay, California melon growers applaud crop
California farmers say this season’s melon crop was delayed by about two weeks due to cool temperatures and wet fields, which affected early harvest of watermelons, cantaloupes and honeydews. It postponed melon deliveries to supermarkets... more »
Farm Credit salutes California Fresh Fruit Association growers
Every summer, people around the country enjoy luscious fruits like apricots, table grapes, kiwis, peaches and plums. Because California is the nation’s largest producer of those commodities, there’s a high chance the fruits were grown... more »
Healthy soils program funding offered by CDFA
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) announced the availability of approximately $4 million dollars of grant funding for its Healthy Soils Demonstration Program. Program information The program funds projects that showcase California farmers... more »
California diesel phaseout worries compost dealers
Daniel Pacheco, owner-operator of Lucky Diamond Trucking in Sonoma County, recently picked up a 24-ton order from Cold Creek Compost in Ukiah and hauled it two hours through Mendocino, Lake and Yolo counties before dumping... more »
Tech event features a robot parade, drone pavilion
From weed control to fertilizer application, harvesting, picking and seeding, FIRA USA is showcasing more than two dozen ag robots with field demonstrations. Over the three-day event, Sept. 19-21, in Salinas, California, robots will be... more »