Mar 4, 2015
California to hold agritourism summit on April 8

Visiting a farm to pick fruit is a fun family activity and an exciting way to teach kids how food is grown. The money spent by farm visitors also helps keep farmers in business. As farmers find more innovative ways to pique the interest of consumers, agritourism continues to expand in California.

If you host a farm stand, u-pick, farm stays, tours, on-farm classes, fairs, festivals, pumpkin patches, Christmas tree farms, winery weddings, orchard dinners, youth camps, barn dances, hunting, fishing, guest ranch or any activity associated with a farm, you are in California’s agritourism business.

Everyone involved in California agritourism is invited to share ideas and make plans together at a Statewide Agritourism Summit on April 8 at the Heidrick Agricultural History Center in Woodland. The daylong event will be hosted by the University of California (UC) Cooperative Extension and collaborating partners.

UC’s small farm program and Cooperative Extension advisers provide resources for farmers to add agritourism activities to supplement their farm income. UC also hosts a directory of California agritourism operations.

“Many California agricultural producers host great opportunities for the enjoyment and education of the public and are ready for visitors, but challenges persist in most regions,” said Holly George, UC Cooperative Extension adviser in Plumas and Sierra counties and leader of the UC Nature and Agricultural Tourism Workgroup. “Groups working on agritourism are thriving in some locales and struggling in other areas.

“Communication and collaboration beyond the ‘farm trail’ group appears to be part of the solution to success,” said George, who is one of the summit organizers. “We hope this one-day agritourism summit will encourage and strengthen regional and cross-regional working relationships among agritourism operators, organizers, regulators, educators and general tourism promoters throughout California.”

People who should attend include agritourism operators and associations, agritourism regulators, agricultural associations and educators, tourism marketing and economic development professionals, county and state government staff, elected officials and anyone else involved in California agritourism.

This participatory event will be 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., with lunch provided. Participants are invited to bring marketing and organizational information to display and share.

Funding is available through these generous sponsors to assist with travel costs for a limited number of agricultural producers and agricultural educators who could not otherwise attend the summit. For information about travel assistance, email Penny Leff or call 530-752-7779.

Registration costs $20 until April 3, or $30 at the door.

Pam Kan-Rice, University of California

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