Oct 17, 2024
New fungicide for pome disease control introduced

UPL has rolled out a new fungicide for control of disease in pome crops as well as almonds.

UPL NA Inc. introduced AXIOS 20 SC, a new fungicide designed to protect almonds and pome crops from a broad range of diseases.

The product is powered by the active ingredient Kinoprol, which belongs to FRAC Group 52 and has no known cross-resistance with other fungicide groups.

AXIOS 20 SC offers both preventative and systemic disease control, targeting early-season issues such as shot hole, brown rot blossom blight, scab, leaf spot, powdery mildew and anthracnose. The fungicide’s mode of action makes it a useful addition to integrated pest management (IPM) programs, especially for growers seeking resistance management strategies.


“Growers and pest control advisors are looking for new solutions to manage resistance and protect yield potential from costly diseases,” Christy Hetfeld, insecticide and fungicide portfolio manager for UPL, said in a news release. “Kinoprol will help growers easily incorporate AXIOS 20 SC into any IPM program for enhanced disease protection.”

Key benefits of AXIOS 20 SC include low application rates, rainfastness within two hours and a short pre-harvest interval. The fungicide is also tank-mix compatible and approved for three applications per year.

AXIOS 20 SC fungicide is now available at select retailers.

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