Aug 5, 2022A healthy start for your orchard replant
Improving crop health starts with the soil
(Sponsored) Investing in a new orchard or orchard replant is costly, timely, and if not done properly, can lead to decades of problems and reduced yields. That’s where Teleos Ag Solutions comes in. Founded in 2020, Teleos Ag Solutions is DOW’s exclusive global distributor for TELONE™, the world’s best defense against nematodes. TELONE™ is the product of choice by growers around the world for enhancing and improving crop and soil health by targeting destructive plant parasitic nematodes. Teleos Ag Solutions makes it easy for growers across the globe to effectively fight nematodes with TELONE™.
What are Nematodes and Why Should I Care?
Nematodes are tiny parasites that can take a significant toll on your crops by stunting their growth, leading to reduced plant health, and ultimately, reduced yield. And because nematodes are so small, by the time you realize you have a problem it’s already too late. Microscopic in size, this pest is tiny but the damage it leaves in its wake can be epic in proportion. In the United States alone, the economic impact of nematodes adds up to an $8 billion-dollar loss annually!
Unfortunately, almost all major agriculture crops fall victim to nematodes. It’s especially vital for orchard growers to understand nematodes because orchards may only be planted every 25-50 years. If your orchard starts off with stunted roots or high nematode pressure, your trees will never reach their full potential or yield, which means your profits could be negatively impacted for decades—something every grower wants to avoid. This is especially true for those planting high-value crops like almonds, walnuts, or tree fruit. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it
Use TELONE™ Now and Reap the Benefits for Years to Come
Using TELONE™ pre-plant soil fumigant before planting a new orchard, or before replanting an existing orchard, is a grower’s best defense against costly plant parasitic nematodes. When rootstock is planted, the soil may be home to thousands of plant-parasitic nematodes. That means the crop is already threatened the moment the rootstock hits the soil. Left untreated, the end result could be disastrous. As roots from the rootstock or transplant develop, the plant-parasitic nematodes arrive to feed, piercing the root and leading to irreversible damage. Nematode damage to the root system limits moisture and nutrient uptake and plant health deteriorates, yield is reduced, and the economic impact is severe.
This is where TELONE™ comes in. Working as a pre-plant soil fumigant for controlling all major species of nematodes — including root-knot, lesion, dagger, stubby-root, ring and cyst — TELONE™ creates a zone of protection around developing roots by injecting into the soil as a liquid and immediately converting to a gas. TELONE™ then moves throughout the soil profile without requiring water or incorporation for movement, and can be row-applied or broadcast, for maximum application flexibility.
Nematodes and pathogenic soil organisms are found throughout the soil profile making it difficult for some soil fumigants to reach. TELONE™ is injected 18” deep into the soil, ensuring even the deepest nematodes are properly controlled.
Using a TELONE™ + Chloropicrin Blend for a One-Two Punch
Depending on what part of the country your orchard is planted in, you might want to consider using Chloropicrin in addition to TELONE™.
“Using a blend of TELONE™ and Chloropicrin offers growers additional benefits because while TELONE™ targets nematodes, Chloropicrin helps combat soilborne diseases, and is especially helpful in combatting prunus rootstock disease,” says Greg Roberson, TELONE™ Specialist for the Mid-Atlantic Region.
TELONE™/ Chloropicrin blends are available premixed, or the two individual products can be co-applied at the time of application. Your TELONE™ Specialist will work with you to help you analyze your soil, understand your specific areas of concern, and create a custom integrated pest management plan that fits your budget.
The Importance of Soil Health
Using TELONE™ to help control nematodes before planting also has additional benefits for growers concerned with soil health. A groundbreaking study by the wellregarded Phytobiomes Journal reveals that plots treated with 1,3 Dichloropropene, or 1,3-D, (sold under the brand name TELONE™) were richer in beneficial bacterial communities than plots left untreated, showing that TELONE™ targets nematodes while letting beneficial organisms rebound quickly.
TELONE™ targets cropdestroying nematodes, while creating a carbohydrate-rich environment allowing healthy bacteria to thrive, resulting in improved soil health. The study demonstrated that 1,3-D fumigation did not negatively affect overall microbial community profiles nor microbial richness and diversity
“Soil health is everything. Without proper soil health, good bacteria and good fungus can’t thrive, and the plant cannot grow because the root system cannot be fed,” says Robin Matson, PNW TELONE™ Specialist. “Soil health contributes to the feeding of the root system, specifically, the root hairs.”
Additionally, in December 2021, University of Florida plant pathologists released a meta-analysis analyzing the impact of fumigants on non-target soil microorganisms. Their report concluded that, while fumigation can decrease biological abundance and diversity by 10 to 50% immediately after application, the effect is temporary: according to their findings, populations rebounded within 4-6 weeks following fumigation with chloropicrin/1,3-D (TELONE™) mixtures. That means you can feel good knowing you’re targeting nematodes while prepping your soil to rebound back healthier than before.
Using TELONE™ before planting allows a grower to start with a clean slate—especially important when replanting an existing orchard where the outer cortical tissue of the root fragments leftover from the previous orchard can be infested with nematodes and other diseases like prunus replant disease.
According to California TELONE™ Specialist Brian Hegland, “When you start preparing the ground for new orchards, the key is controlling nematodes. Nematodes will attack the roots of newly planted trees, and if you don’t prep correctly, you can’t come back from that. There are not that many products in the market that you can post-apply and effectively control those nematodes. However, with the use of TELONE™, it sets up those trees and crops to get a good and healthy-growing start.”
To learn more about how TELONE™ can be the star of your integrated pest management plan, contact your local TELONE™ Distributor or visit to connect with a TELONE™ Specialist. Remember, there’s no coming back from a poor start!
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